Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do u use php and sql to post data results to a webpage?

I'm trying to create a website where my friends can type in a box on my site their url of their webpage. Then they hit submit, and it posts as a link automatically on my homepage. Is there anything I can do without taking the time to learn php and sql? I've got a book from the library, "PHP/MySQL Programming for the absolute beginner," but it's getting more and more difficult to understand as it progresses. Any advice?

How do u use php and sql to post data results to a webpage?
i'll try to make some sample code for you if i have the time, but the basic idea is this

create the database it should contain at least one field to store the address

put the addresses entered by users in a database

execute a query (use a select statement in a mysql_query) command that retrives all the addresses from the database

loop through the recordset returned that the and with the echo command write %26lt;A HREF... tags for your page
Reply:You're not going to get around either learning PHP or hiring someone to do it for you.

I can do it for $30-$40, if you want.

My site's in the source list.
Reply:This is fairly simple to do using php and mysql. You can search out some open source scripts or free to use scripts to do the job for you. The whole thing should take less than an hour, so you could probably get someone to provide you with custom code for about $35.
Reply:You are not going to avoid having to learn some php, with that said you may find that a flat file will work for your needs and may be easier for you to implement then the database method.

You will just write append the urls' to a .txt file and read them back in.

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